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Blackpool launches Foster Carers Association

Blackpool Council foster carers launch a new Foster Carers Association (FCA).

The Blackpool Foster Carers Association will be run independently by a committee of local foster carers for local foster carers, tapping into the welcoming and friendly fostering community to share experiences and provide valuable peer support.

The aim is to provide foster carers with a shared space where they can discuss any issues they might want to bring forward with Blackpool Council’s fostering service to progress changes for local fostering families.

This will help to improve and strengthen relationships between foster carers and the fostering service, giving carers an opportunity to influence services and enhance the support and guidance offered to them.

The committee is planning to host fun and inclusive events for the whole family.

Dave is Chair of the Blackpool Foster Carers Association and has been fostering with us for nine years.

He said:

“We want the FCA to be the voice of Blackpool Council’s foster carers, representing them and speaking to council services on their behalf. If there is a problem then we want foster carers to feel like they can come to us. The plan is to have regular meetings to discuss any issues and to be able to improve the support foster carers receive. We are planning to do some fundraising as well as organising coffee mornings and social events. We want to improve our working relationship with council services as we all have the same aim to help local children and to encourage more people to become foster carers.”

At the launch event, foster carers heard from Cllr Michele Scott, elected member representative on Blackpool’s Fostering Panel, as well as Blackpool Council’s Service Manager for Fostering, Planning for Permanence and Connected Care, Mel Boothman, and Danielle McMahon, Team Manager for Fostering Recruitment and Assessment.

Cllr Scott said:

“Blackpool Council recognises the tremendous value to our children of foster carers and the important role they have in ensuring that our children’s needs are met in the best way possible. The council also recognises the importance of ensuring that our foster carers have access to all the support they need to carry out their very important role. Blackpool Foster Carers Association will strengthen the support by creating a framework for more effective and robust engagement, collaboration and partnership working between the fostering service and our foster carers. I look forward to seeing the Blackpool Foster Carers Association develop and thrive over the coming months and years.”

Cllr Jim Hobson, Blackpool Council Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, said: 

“It’s fantastic to see so many foster carers coming together to have their say and to help shape the Blackpool Foster Carers Association. Foster carers share the same challenges, rewards, and experiences so who better to offer support and advice than our own valuable foster carers? Providing our foster carers with a shared voice will help to improve and progress changes for our fostering families. I’m sure the association will be a great success and will have a positive influence on the lives of our foster carers in Blackpool.”

We need foster carers more than ever, and especially those willing to look after siblings, older children, and children and young people with complex emotional and physical needs.

If you have what it takes to be a foster carer or know someone who might be suitable then please get in touch.